Maintenance of ornamental fishes

Maintenance of ornamental fishes 

                   There are two important points for the proper maintenance of ornamental fishes in the aquarium. They are given below.
1. Quality of water and 
2. Proper food supply.
Quality of water
               Pond or lake water is used for the maintenance of aquarium. Chlorinated tap water should not be used, Since all the fishes die in chlorinated water. Limestones should not be used in the place of pebbles, as they dissolve in water and affect the quality of water. Too much of algae and other water plants inside the aquarium should be avoided, since they will affect the oxygen content in water during night time. When there is oxygen depletion in the aquarium, the fishes come to the surface of water. So an aerator device is to be used to supply fresh oxygen from outside. Periodical change of water in the aquarium, washing the pebbles by boiling water and cleaning of aquarium are properly done.
                Addition of dye or colouring agent to the aquarium should be avoided. A constant temperature is to be maintained.
Proper food supply
                As the fishes are grown in limited space and in limited water, it is essential to supply proper food. Required quantity and nutritious food should be given to them. Usually the pond and the lake water contain zooplanktons and phytoplanktons. They are consumed by the fishes as natural food. Bio food like bloodworms and earthworms can be supplied to them, as they do not contaminate the water.
                    Ready made fish food from market and protein rich foodgrains can be supplied to them. Giving same type of food is to be avoided. The food is supplied to them two times a day. Ornamental fish culture is encouraged as small-scale industry.

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