Some information about Reproductive Biology
Reproductive Biology
Reproduction is the basic characteristic feature of all living organisms. Due to reproduction organisms are able to survive in any changing environmental condition. There are various reproductive methods in uni and multi-cellular organisms. The methods vary according to the environment, structures and needs. For sexual reproduction, organisms have specific male and female sex organs and specialized sex cells. Basically the success of a species depends on its reproductive capability.
Reproduction - An Introduction
The structure and living characteristics of all animals and plants are basically adaptations for successful living and reproduction. Depending on living conditions the methods of reproduction vary in the living world.
1. Asexual reproduction
For this reproduction there are no sex cells or sex organs. Asexual reproduction can happen through cutting, grafting or through spreading of roots. This type of reproduction can not provide the opportunity for mixing up of hereditary characters and production of new varieties.
2. Sexual reproduction
Both animals and plants have specialized reproductive organs for sexual reproduction. Male and female sex cells are produced from such organs. These cells are produced by meiotic cell divisions. Because of meiosis, the chromosome number remains constant in subsequent generations. Further, sexual reproduction provides an opportunity for producing variations. These variations in turn help animals and plants in their survival.
Regeneration: Regeneration of certain organisms is comparable to reproduction. The organs or structures lost can be regenerated in some animals.
Animals like planarian can get split into 2 or 3 pieces and regenerate their lost parts.
Some basic concepts
1. There is no possibility for variations in Asexual reproduction.
2. Due to meiosis chromosome number remains constant in subsequent generations.
3. Planarian is one good example for regeneration.
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